Contract, principles, and loan in roman law an its influence on the Civil and Commercial Code of the Nation (CCN))
Contract , Mutual, Roman law, Gaius, Principles of lawAbstract
On the one hand, we wanted to approach the clarification of the doubts raised about Gayo' classification of contracts and the generic concept that separates it from conventions. On this basis, it is essential to make a brief reference to the treatment of the principles of Roman law, due to the influence they have had on the drafting of the CCCN, especially in
the criteria of interpretation of the will or intention of the contracting parties, which must be valued and respected.
Finally, we shall see how the mutual departs from the classification of a real contract, drawing on the treatment of the so-called “obligatory business”. With respect to which the CCCN provides us with an adequate legal development, with the concrete and particularized analysis of each species of these “loans”, which, due to their specificity, have their own operation.
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GAYO, Institutas, Texto traducido, notas e introducción por Alfredo Di Pietro, Abeledo-Perrot, 5° Ed., Buenos Aires, 1997
JUSTINIANO, Cuerpo de Derecho Civil Romano, Idelfonso García del Corral, ed. Jaime Molina, Barcelona, 1889, p. 711.
PAULO, Comentario al Edicto libro XXVII