Approaches and proposals for a humanistic treatment of damages arising from artificial intelligence in argentine civil law
Civil liability in IA, Prevention and damages, Regulation and legislation (CCC and Law 24240), Humans rights, Sanctioning funtion and discriminationAbstract
Civil liability in artificial intelligence (AI) should prioritize human protection and adopt fair solutions, with a key preventive role to mitigate harm. AI is regulated in the Civil and Commercial Code (CCC) as an "object" or "activity" rather than as a subject of rights, applying liability rules for hazardous activities in cases of harm. The burden of proof lies with AI developers and operators, and digital environment damages involve supplier liability under Law 24240. As a reform, it is suggested to adapt legislation to address rapid technological advances, establish public AI registries, ensure compensation through mandatory insurance, and introduce punitive sanctions to prevent biased and discriminatory AI.
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