The long-term contract and its complex technical configuration


  • Esteban Javier Arias Cau



Long-term, Relational theory, Good faith, Renegotiation, Rescission


The long-term contract, characterized by its complexity and extended duration, requires continuous adaptations due to changes in circumstances that affect its execution. These contracts, common in business relationships and strategic agreements, are more flexible than traditional ones and aim to promote collaboration between the parties. Relational theory, 
developed by Macneil, emphasizes the importance of cooperation and good faith in these agreements. The Argentine Civil and Commercial Code (Art. 1011) acknowledges this category, highlighting the essential nature of time and the duty to renegotiate in the event of unilateral termination. On an international level, the Unidroit Principles have updated their approach to reflect the dynamic nature of these contracts. Article 1011, while useful, has been the subject of debate due to its lack of specificity in certain aspects, such as termination, and the need for flexible interpretation according to the circumstances.

Author Biography

  • Esteban Javier Arias Cau

    Profesor Asociado en la cátedra de “Derecho Civil III – Contratos en general y particular” y Profesor Adjunto “Defensa del consumidor y del usuario”, de la Universidad Católica de Santiago del Estero, Departamento San Salvador (DASS). Magíster en Derecho Empresario por la Universidad Austral (UA). Doctor en derecho (UNC). Ponencia presentada en las “XXIX Jornadas Nacionales de Derecho Civil”, realizadas en la sede Pilar de la Universidad Austral, en el mes de septiembre de 2024. Elaborada sobre la base del artículo conjunto escrito con el Dr. Daniel E. MOEREMANS, de carácter inédito.


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Artículos de doctrina

How to Cite

The long-term contract and its complex technical configuration. (2025). Revista De Derecho Privado │Universidad Blas Pascal, 11(11), 35-43.

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