The role of the teacher in AI-assisted teaching and learning


  • Mariana Estefanía Soto



Teaching, Pedagogical mediation, Generative AI, Competencies, Ethics


Since the enactment of the Higher Education Law in Argentina, the analysis of the way teaching has been focuced in Higher Education and its effectiveness has been intensified.
In the way of learning, the educational act is fundamental. It is not an implicit assumption
or belief that is taken for granted, nor are the skills/capabilities of the student. And in the training of law professionals today we are not just talking about the use of technologies like merely manipulating of them. The rapid evolution places us facing the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and more recently the Generative Artificial Intelligence.

Reevaluating our role as teachers in front of a student body that learns from, about, and with AI is a new point in the teaching of law. The professor is an essential mediator of knowledge and a promoter of the development of skills and competencies that enable learning and the construction of new knowledge.
Therefore, learning with AI must be approached from an ethical perspective because technology is never ideologically neutral. The algorithms that form it expose and privilege certain worldviews, and particular ways of thinking, learning, and knowing that, without ethics, become dangerous. Additionally, actions are needed to preserve and safeguard human intellectual skills, the diversity of our knowledge system, and to place technology in its service.

Author Biography

  • Mariana Estefanía Soto

    Abogada (UNLP), Profesora de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Jurídicas de la UNLPam. Profesora en Ciencias Jurídicas (UNMaza), Especialista en Derecho Civil (UNLP), Especialista en Docencia Universitaria (UNCuyo). Maestranda en Derecho Civil (UNLPam) y en Docencia en Educación Superior (UNLPam); Jefa de Trabajos Prácticos, Unidad Pedagógica, Fundamentos de Derecho Privado y Teoría del Acto Jurídico UNLPam. Investigadora del Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Jurídicas de la CEyJUNLPam. Autora de ponencias en Congresos nacionales e internacionales, artículos en el área de la Enseñanza del Derecho.  


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Artículos de doctrina

How to Cite

The role of the teacher in AI-assisted teaching and learning. (2025). Revista De Derecho Privado │Universidad Blas Pascal, 11(11), 109-119.

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